Just me, aspiring mystic, lover of blue roses (a thing between my grandmother and I), and my thoughts, hopes, dreams, feelings...that which catches and holds my attention...out there for GOD and everyone to see...
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Training the heart/mind
I'm working on training the heart/mind to see and seek out the positive within me and to bring it to my mouth/mind...heart & mind (inner) to mouth & mind (outer). Seeing the negative and recognizing it without allowing it to seep into the heart/mind...
Standing on positivity in the face of a negative onlaught...makes it difficult to be positive at all. Be the positive you want to see in the world! Become Joy. Breathe Joy. Radiate Joy.
God is the energy, the love, the light, the indwelling, infusing Joy...or contentment. I cannot seem to manage joy...
Friday, October 21, 2011
From my October 21st, 2011 Journal Entry
Then a new relationship flowed into my life and I switched streams, had another 2 children and continued to let life wash me along.
It is this mindset, I think, that makes it difficult for me to follow through in ANY field of endeavor. I am GREAT at wanting/desiring to achieve goals, but I am LOUSY at follow-up/follow-through!
This is part of what hinders me from keeping a clean house. I start out great guns, but a week or a month or a year later, I slack off. This is why I've been doing dishes the MINUTE I get home so I don't let the house/kitchen slide one day! It would disrupt the flow of diligence! And, I'm hoping this "learning diligence" that I'm working on in the house will help me be diligent in other areas (like health/eating/exercise).
SO...if the goal is only speaking positives: HOW would I structure goals for my mind to get from here ----------------------------> to there?
Focus thoughts on positive things. Find positive things to meditate on. Gratitude journalling again.
Maybe I want to be consumed/obsessed/driven...at least with focusing on the positive. Hmmm, search for...seek out...find the positive in every situation...
GOD = Love = Positivity & uplifting encouragement & is life sustaining...Hard to grasp when you see GOD as mind/energy? Maybe not.
The energy of GOD supports & sustains every living thing positively in love. The air we breathe = positivity. The earth we live on = positivity. The water we drink = positivity. All from the mind/energy of GOD.
So to meditate on positivity and love is to meditate on GOD.
So then, another question, can a person be focused and laid back? Driven/committed and at peace? Loving, kind, compassionate, accepting WHILE being focused on the positive in life/self/others/world?
From My October 20th, 2011 Journal Entry
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Confessions of a Non-Neat Freak
So, slowly, I have gotten better. But I have a LONG way to go.
We just moved. We made a pact about the first floor (living/dining). It will be clean. People dropping in clean. Not cluttered with books and magazines (as I generally live).
So…I’m running around wondering HOW DO PEOPLE DO THIS? How do neat freaks manage this? How is there enough time in any day to be THIS VIGILANT??? It’s exhausting. Will it ever get easier???? Will it ever become second nature?
This comes back to my general inability (in my life in many areas) to follow through. I get the concept of WANTING a clean house (or to exercise more or to lose a few pounds or whatever thing you wish to commit to long term). And I run at the concept with great gusto…I WANT to succeed, I am DETERMINED to succeed.
But I don’t.
Why is this? Why can’t I manage to follow-through with long term commitments (except for marriage to a degree). WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME????? Help? Thoughts?