Sunday, April 10, 2011

Be careful what you wish for....

Because you might get it...

I am facing a rough patch in my life and I'm struggling to remain focused on the positive...I am a recovering cynic and I slip back into that black abyss occasionally...

I cannot even talk about it because of the paranoia surrounding this issue in my life. But know that I need all the light and strength I can gather around myself to get through it.

Wow, that sounds dramatic...I don't mean for it to be that dramatic sounding. It's just that this is the second time since moving back to Spokane that I've faced this same issue and last time, I beat me.

I don't intend to be beaten this time. I intend to hold this person in all the light and love and forgiveness I know in the universe. I intend to triumph with light & good whereas last time I cowered in fear and tension. BUT, this is much easier to say in the quiet of my living room than it is to live out in the frantic pace of life.

So, I come to you, asking for your help, support, light, energy and prayers. And I thank you in advance for any support you are willing/able to give me.

We go onward...through the darkness...


Elbeux said...

Thinking about you! Support and energy to you! I am always here for you, my dear.

Anonymous said...

I believe you have won!

I'm kind of in the same boat so your faith inspires me.

- Byron

AspenKay said...

Dear Mystic Blue Rose...
As one of your followers, I do not always comment to you, but just read your words...
When you share something I feel I can remark on, I do so, now here it is...
I know you good enough to be able to say that GOD has you under HIS wing with HIS light and strength and knows you well...
HE is always in your heart and thoughts to guide you and help you in every way possible...
We humans may not always see it for our sins will hide the way and the devil will close our eyes to see what we should...
We have a hard time then because we need to focus more on HIS path and words...
Force the devil out of your mind and learn to go with what you feel is GOD'S way...
Look for our LORD to come at any moment and we must BE READY!!!
Upon chasing the devil out of your life, you will then be more able to see what GOD has in store for you...
And HE has a plan just for you, like HE has a plan just for me...
We all prevail with our LORD!!!
Do not despair...
You will come through this journey and win!!!