Monday, June 28, 2010

This weekend was our family reunion...

Nothing too spectacular about that, except that cars broke down and people who don't normally ride the bus ended up on the bus with me, such as Jeremy, Tamara and their baby Wyatt...but that isn't what I want to talk about today... There was this couple on the bus, obviously mentally challenged. They had waited for the bus with us, with their bikes, and they ended up sitting right behind me. For about 30 minutes I got to listen to their interactions.

They were fascinated by Wyatt. They thought he was adorable, and told my son and his wife that a couple of times. And then they talked about him between themselves. And the conversation was fascinating and poignant, and it is this I want to share with you...

They talked about children, how they had always wanted children, but how the medications the wife is on for her mental issues would have been damaging to the baby, so they had decided not to risk it. They spoke of how they had longed for a son and a daughter. And then, they brought tears to my eyes when they said that GOD knew how much they longed for a baby, so they were sure that when they get to heaven, GOD is going to put them to work in the heavenly daycare taking care of all the babies. They spoke of how much care they would give these little babies and I just sat there, in tears.

Now, I know that theologically, someone would want to challenge this dream of theirs, but I just sat, absorbing their dream and wishing it for them.
And then the woman said to the man, could you rub my knee? He reached over and patted her knee. No, she said, rub, not pat. So he started rubbing her knee, back and forth. And she sighed and said, thank you, your touch always makes me feel so much better. At that point I was almost sobbing.

The love and simplicity these two were displaying (albeit quietly) was just so amazing that I was overwhelmed by it. I don't know this couples name, I probably never will, but they made a spiritual impact on me this weekend, and made me think of the concept of simple faith.

You see, I don't have simple faith...I question, poke, prod, challenge and probe every theological concept. But these two spoke and breathed simple, loving faith, and on that ride, I envied them...


Anonymous said...

Very cool to get to experience that level of being.

Elbeux said...

That is so incredibly beautiful, thank you for sharing!

Valda said...

This was very beautiful and very humbling. I wish for that kind of love and faith. Thank you for sharing it.