Monday, August 30, 2010

It's not always what you say...

It's often how you say it...

I had an experience last week of being told something that really hurt me. But it wasn't what was said (which I had actually expected), it was how it was said to me. It amazes me that people in relationship say things in such hurtful ways, but there it is, leaving me emotionally frozen in time, not knowing which way to move, afraid to move any direction for fear of making it worse. I hate being frozen. Sigh.

Also, this isn't in just the hurtful moments, in the past few weeks it's happened in some more casual moments also. People that don't think and say things in hurtful or demeaning ways. Sometimes in front of friends, which makes it doubly humiliating and hurtful.

Just saying, be careful how you speak to people. If you care about them even a little.


Elbeux said...

A good reminder for everyone. Love you, dear!

Arizona mom to eight said...

I am sorry you have been hurt, with Mercury in retrograde again, and in communication, it seems a lot of mis-communication is going on everywhere.

I was also hurt last week and have tried to tell myself the person was not purposefully being cruel. It still hurts though.


Matthew Turquoise said...

i extend my humble warmth to you through cyberspace. very true to be careful what is said. even the smallest comment can ripple out and snowball in devastating ways.

Anonymous said...

May the person who said what they said, feel your hurt, and make amends. In Christ Jesus I pray, amen.